Health & Safety Training
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World Suicide Prevention Day 2021 

2 August 2021

10th September 2021, marks World Suicide Prevention Day, an annual awareness day created to establish worldwide commitment and action on suicide prevention.

Mates in Mind believes in breaking the silence and stigma surrounding mental ill-health and is a crucial step towards providing a safe and healthy workplace environment, which can play a vital role in suicide prevention.

Research suggests that open and honest communication about mental ill-health supports steps towards suicide prevention because these important conversations have the power to increase awareness and understanding, remind people they are not alone and help break the stigma which can be a barrier for those seeking help. Mates in Mind are encouraging you to use this awareness day as an opportunity to #StartTheConversation within your workplace.

To support you in these conversations they have collated a number of resources and information on their Suicide Prevention Day hub, which will be continually updated. Click here. 

Suicide Rate For Construction Workers In The UK Is Over Three Times The National Average

Working in the construction industry is one of the deadliest professions in the UK, but not because of the dangers of heavy machinery; the suicide rate for construction workers is more than three times the national average for men.

Males are less likely to seek help and vocalise their struggles with a mental health condition. Not everyone can work outdoors every single day, whatever the weather. Construction workers are renowned for their stoic, tough mentality, and the “no matter what” approach is a positive aspect for the industry. However, those same positive characteristics of being self-sufficient and not asking for help can dramatically increase the risk factors surrounding mental health. It is more important than ever that employees build a supportive working culture around mental health in construction.

Employers can be leaders in equipping their workers with the tools to deal with emotional wellbeing in the workplace, by empowering them to change their perceptions of mental health, and to eradicate the stigma on asking for help. When we think about mental illness, our mind rushes to the extremes of conditions; the sickest of the sick. This misconception of mental health issues fails to account for the majority of mild cases, experienced by one in four people in the UK every year.

With education comes empowerment. Employers and employees in the industry need to be able to recognise the early signs of anxiety, depression and other mental health issues within their colleagues, and know what support is available and how to access it. This can be done through various training initiatives, as well as creating a strong working relationship with mental health support services locally.

According to surveys, 64 per cent of construction workers want their employers to provide more support in this area, and the industry has started to listen. Building Mental Health is an initiative led by industry experts to provide a flexible and consistent framework to enable all parts of the construction sector to access mental health support, provide awareness and training, and support workers in the industry.

Finning UK & Ireland is partnered with Mates in Mind, a UK charity raising awareness, addressing the stigma of poor mental health and promoting positive mental wellbeing across the construction industry. Through this, Finning employees can gain clear information, access available support and receive guidance on mental health, with information and resources sourced from charities such as Mind, Samaritans and Mental Health First Aid England.

There is still a long way to go. But with some simple steps, companies can create the culture where employees feel cared about, and create the safe environment where people can feel comfortable enough to express situations they may be dealing with, and get the help they need, one conversation at a time.

If you need support

  • Construction Industry Helpline 0345 605 1956 – Managed and funded by the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity.
  • Mind, the mental health charity 0300 123 3393 – Provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
  • The Samaritans 116 123 – Confidential 24-hour support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.

 For further advice, please get in touch today.